The Sean Kelly Three Counties Cycle in aid of Down Syndrome Limerick will be hosted at  TUS Campus Limerick. The TUS Campus is located on the Ennis side of Limerick, if travelling from the N18 west bound dual carriageway, take exit 5, turning back to go east bound on the N18, continuing straight until you get to Ivan’s Cross. Go left at  Ivan’s cross and follow the road up the hill TUS campus is on the left just before Thomond Park.

Please be careful on approach motorways where there are tolls in place. If your bike is on your roof, take great care, since some toll lanes have height restriction barriers. A bike on the roof of a vehicle will be too high for these lanes.

If travelling on the N18 east bound dual carriageway, take exit 5 and follow the instructions above.
The event venue will have onsite car parking accessible before the event.


No refunds are issued for the event.

For those wishing to do the 100km route at a slower pace without the pressure of a large peleton or feeling like you’re being left behind, we have an earlier start for “easy riders”. With your own lead support car, you set off 45 mins earlier. It means you’ll be at the food stop when the first of the 100km riders come through and get to experience the buzz of the event.


  • 8:15am sharp for the 100km Easy Riders
  • 9am sharp for the 100km
  • 50km group rolls out immediately after the 100km
  • All cycles start from the TUS Campus , Limerick.

Safety Briefing will be 10 minutes before each start.

On the day, you must go to the registration area and sign on, inside the Rear of the main TUS Campus. To get there see the map below. Marshals will be on hand to guide you. Collect your buff if you bought one.

There is dedicated event car parking at the side entrance and rear of the TUS Campus as per the map. Follow all directions and advice from the marshals to avoid delay. Please arrive early to avoid getting delayed in traffic accessing the venue.

The Sean Kelly Three Counties Cycle is not a closed road event and you must adhere to the normal rules of the road. There will be a SPECIAL safety briefing 10 minutes before we roll out.
To find out more, check out our safety guide.

There will be a food stop along each route, at about the half way mark, but we recommend you bring also your own supply of cycling gels, bars and drinks.

  • 50km stop is Broadford GAA
  • 100km stop is at Scariff Community College

Your bike must be in good working order to cycle either the 50km or 100km routes
– Helmet
– Water bottle (s)
– Spare tubes and a Puncture repair kit
– Mobile phone with credit
– Emergency money & ID
– Energy snacks
– Wind / Rainproof top – Participants must be aware that weather conditions in this area can change and you should bring appropriate clothing to keep warm in any adverse weather.
– Sunblock – we hope you will need plenty of this.

NO HELMET NO CYCLE – this will be strictly enforced
LEAVE NO TRACE: The event operates under a Leave Non Trace litter policy. Please respect the countryside and its residents and bring home your litter. Please do not litter the area with gel sachets, empty bottles or food wrappings etc.
PUNCTURES Please ensure you can change a puncture and bring spare tubes. It may be some time before support can arrive to a spot where a cyclist may have picked up a puncture so please ensure you can change your own wheel or cycle with someone that will assist you to avoid long delays that will impact on your enjoyment of the day.

The sportive is not a closed road event and you must adhere to the normal rules of the road.