Please read the conditions of entry before signing up for the event:

  1. The event is not a race.
  2. Please remember that roads will NOT be closed for the event. Roads will be OPEN to traffic and other road users.
  3. I understand that I enter the Sean Kelly Three Counties Cycle at my own risk and that neither Down Syndrome Limerick, or any of its employees, volunteers, servants or agents, any sponsors, associate sponsors, or patrons, will be held responsible for any accident suffered or injury sustained by myself from any cause whatsoever, or for any property lost, damaged, mislaid or stolen, on the course, from my person or at the changing areas, food stops or at any place.
  4. Furthermore, I hereby grant full permission to any of the foregoing to use photographs, films or recordings of the event for any legitimate purpose without payment of any royalty or fees to me.
  5. I agree to abide by all lawful instructions issued to me by An Garda Siochana or the marshals, or road captains on the course on the day. I also agree to obey the marshals and event volunteers at the start and finish line.
  6. I understand that participating in this event is potentially hazardous, and that I should not enter and participate unless I am medically able and properly trained.
  7. In consideration of the acceptance of this entry, I assume full and complete responsibility for any injury or accident which may occur while I am traveling to or from the event, during the event, or while I am on any premises or grounds associated with the event.
  8. I also am aware of and assume all risks associated with participating in this event, including but not limited to falls, contact with other participants, effect of weather, traffic, and conditions of the road.  I, for myself and my heirs and executors, hereby waive, release and forever discharge the event organisers, volunteers, sponsors, promoters, charity (DownSyndrome Ireland Limerick branch), Dunnes Stores, and each of their agents, representatives, successors and assigns, and all other persons associated with the event, for all my liabilities, claims, actions, or damages that I may have against them arising out of or in any way connected with my participation in this event.
  9. Your absolute co-operation is required with all event officials. Anyone who does not obey the Marshals will be immediately disqualified and will no longer be considered part of the event.
  10. A helmet must be worn at all times while participating in the Event.  Failure to comply with this instruction will result in you being asked to leave the Event.
  11. The Sean Kelly Three Counties Cycle (event) is organised by Down Syndrome Ireland Limerick branch (organiser).
  12. By submitting this entry form, you are agreeing to comply with the following terms and conditions, and you certify the information you are providing is complete and correct:  
  13. you acknowledge that the EVENT ORGANSIER does not assume responsibility for your health, safety, security or support before during or after the Event;
  14. you are acknowledging that the Event is a serious athletic endeavour and that you will have trained adequately to allow you complete it safely and that you will not start the Event against medical advice.
  15. you are physically able to complete the entire Event course in the allowed time.
  16. you will not compete in a manner which, in the judgment of the marshals or members of An Gárda Siochána interferes with event operations, other participants, or the integrity of the event;
  17. Declaration and Waiver of Entrant
  18. In consideration of the EVENT ORGANSIER accepting this entry from me, I acknowledge that I enter the Event entirely at my own risk.
  19. I hereby release the EVENT ORGANSIER from any and all liability arising from any loss, damage or injury (including fatal injury) suffered by me before during or after the Event.  I hereby waive any and all rights and claims for damages or compensation  from the EVENT ORGANSIER (including its employees, agents, officers, governors, sponsors and volunteers, and their representatives, successors and assigns) arising from any loss, injury (including fatal injury) suffered by me before during or after the Event. This waiver and release is binding on my estate and my heirs.
  20. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to understand the risks of riding in an Event and determine whether I am fit enough and strong enough to safely cycle the Event.
  21. I attest and certify that I am physically fit, injury free and have sufficiently trained to complete the Event. I acknowledge that the EVENT ORGANSIER recommends that I undergo a medical check-up with my physician before starting the Event to determine if I am at risk from any underlying health issues, which may be aggravated by such an Event.
  22. I accept and acknowledge that the Entry fee is NON-REFUNDABLE and entries are NON-TRANSFERABLE to another event even if the Event is postponed, altered, shortened, lengthened or cancelled.  
  23. I accept and acknowledge if the Event is postponed, altered, shortened, lengthened or cancelled that the EVENT ORGANSIER has no obligation to me for any costs and expenses that I may incur pertaining to my planned participation, whether for travel, lodging, meals or any otherwise.  I accept and acknowledge there are no exceptions to this policy and that I will not ask for an exception to be made for me.
  24. I hereby grant full permission to the EVENT ORGANSIER or any of its service providers to use photographs, films or recordings of the Event for any legitimate purpose without recourse to me and I hereby release any right I may have to my image while taking part in the Event or at the start line or finish area.
  25. I understand and acknowledge that this waiver includes any claims, whether caused by negligence, omission, the action or inaction of the EVENT ORGANSIER or any of its service providers or otherwise.
  26. I acknowledge that I have been afforded the opportunity to take legal advice before entering the Event and if I chose not to do that I will not later seek to rely on the fact that I did not understand this declaration and waiver.I agree that any legal claim or dispute arising out of or in any way relating to my participation in this event will be governed by the laws of the Republic of Ireland and will be adjudicated exclusively by and in the Courts of Republic of Ireland.


If you have any queries about the event contact us here: